HFV Sonntag bei Viktoria Köln II #RheinSieg https://t.co/qfsyBXbbzm
EIL: #Bonner Grüne wollen kein Koalitionsende https://t.co/cxqceeMPLk
Samstag 21.04.2018 Tag #06 #Persönlich https://t.co/7zPHOb6Irn https://t.co/eIU8Rw6rGh
Tag der Erde — der internationale Earth Day #Unterhaltung https://t.co/fpf5SFHEe5
Tag der Jelly Beans — der amerikanische National Jelly Bean Day #Unterhaltung https://t.co/AybY7D2X0B
Dem kleinen Mädchen am Nachbartisch: #Persönlich https://t.co/oVUGVDmbvf
PLAY TO LIVE von Dmitry Rus wird Eure WoW-Sucht triggern #Unterhaltung https://t.co/Csf7uciVuZ https://t.co/9zhKVcrl9f
Deutsche Mythen seit 1945 #Bonn https://t.co/MYBwEiiwGN
Das Programm am Sonntag, 22. April 2018 #Kommunikation medienwerkstattbonn.de/home/?p=3839
SA-21.04.2018-Kirschblütenliveticker #Bonn https://t.co/sZrj5VgsVo https://t.co/P59qpBygXn
Ein Buch mit allen Sinnen erfassen #Persönlich https://t.co/98w4sOQxeV
Gemeinsame Pressemitteilung der Gemeindeverbandsvorstände von CDU, Bündnis90/DieGrünen und FDP-Windeck zur Bürgerme… https://t.co/XB31EjOxy8
Die Sendung am 22. April 2018 #Kommunikation medienwerkstattbonn.de/home/?p=3836
Der 14. Offene Bücherschrank ist eröffnet! #Sozial https://t.co/xDtYog3xGr https://t.co/6Mrr0anQ0L
Vier Pfoten am Strand von Petra Schier [Rezension] #Persönlich https://t.co/AofoW3UpyO https://t.co/2v2SbEHbTt
Volle Pulle Rocknacht! #RheinSieg https://t.co/WCz6oVUnjp
Aktionsbeitrag zum Werk „Tödliche Leyhörn“: Autoreninterview mit Elke Nansen #Familie https://t.co/zzjbhMagnI https://t.co/l8xsV46Xgd
Wenn Wunder möglich wären #Bonn https://t.co/l9476Yhfwt

21. April 1918 #Wissen archivewk1.hypotheses.org/48947 pic.twitter.com/87TGw7G365
RHEINIDYLLE #Foto https://t.co/zQAoNwdwPg https://t.co/Dq9LT43R21
Stadt Rheinbach und ADFC werben für die Aktion “Stadtradeln” #RheinSieg https://t.co/dMqVWzUqYA https://t.co/dLt2WP4pyp
Arsene Wenger #Bonn https://t.co/fMSoko0QQa
Kindergarten-Tag — der National Kindergarten Day in den USA #Unterhaltung https://t.co/yf2Bppx7UE
Tag des berühmtesten Nessie-Fotos #Unterhaltung https://t.co/XjxQrKGcZY
Tag der langen Wörter und Begriffe — der amerikanische Big Word Day #Unterhaltung https://t.co/UXu4L272yv
Tag des Tees in Großbritannien — der British National Tea Day #Unterhaltung https://t.co/OQmRtmXoim
Moodreader #Persönlich https://t.co/4oVuq1s7Kr https://t.co/cmbvYJ8w7O
Platz vier verteidigt #Sport https://t.co/CtUEhE7KQA https://t.co/Nw5H40CFY2
Leserbrief: Strafen bis zu 10.000 Euro #RheinSieg https://t.co/Kvcxc6iREr
Letlowe — Whisper (Acoustic) #Musik https://t.co/9uLMbJBHQY
[+] Traffic light
#ig_nrw #bluesky #igersrheinland… #Foto https://t.co/GEr3hrqgfB https://t.co/rcPvejP0Q1
Tideways at PHPUG and IPC Berlin #Wirtschaft https://t.co/8Bg6wJdTYA
Three Fully Functional Demo Applications #Wirtschaft https://t.co/BilKXaaAQB
Launching Tideways with transparent and flexible pricing #Wirtschaft https://t.co/n7kjYZwLqA
Profiling CakePHP 3 using Tideways Extension API #Wirtschaft https://t.co/4g1HnAMAgD https://t.co/Bz1EWT2N3D
5 Doctrine ORM Performance Traps You Should Avoid #Wirtschaft https://t.co/hPaUELuD6R https://t.co/Q0EFuyZOkJ
Essential Macro Optimizations to Improve PHP Performance #Wirtschaft https://t.co/cu6aR8eOFu https://t.co/D9V2KNuSVd
5 Ways to optimize Symfony Baseline Performance #Wirtschaft https://t.co/9wD51fKGr1 https://t.co/NIPXSTKyea
Tideways July 2015 Release Changelog: Errors, I/O and more #Wirtschaft https://t.co/0DH3UaPuxk https://t.co/3omWaWWzaT
Fine-Tune Your Opcache Configuration to Avoid Caching Suprises #Wirtschaft https://t.co/tFuqOFhG5L https://t.co/GYjCGGs1tv
Monthly Reading List July 2015 #Wirtschaft https://t.co/SuHHMJmsje https://t.co/hykccQXssD
Tideways August 2015 Release Changelog #Wirtschaft https://t.co/zbtV0UFD4R https://t.co/aIsRcXXGR2
High Performance Shopware 5.1 with Elasticsearch #Wirtschaft https://t.co/cjbAcoJ4Ok https://t.co/QW4yJMlQ81
High Performance Shopware 5.1 mit Elasticsearch #Wirtschaft https://t.co/4P0hqILOYV https://t.co/pfaI3N1Bq9
Using Configuration as Code for Third-Party Services (Librato Edition) #Wirtschaft https://t.co/uZ4PH1Ry2N
Profiling Overhead and PHP 7 #Wirtschaft https://t.co/efgJo636YQ https://t.co/mmsD7VzGJl
Profiling SQL, MongoDB and more #Wirtschaft https://t.co/lkpPdz4M5G https://t.co/sPXtzxaJXj
Tideways and Xhprof on PHP 7: Beta Testers Wanted #Wirtschaft https://t.co/5UcaAsKb10
Tideways Windows Beta and PHP 7 Update #Wirtschaft https://t.co/ibNGWSCse1
OpsGenie integration now available #Wirtschaft https://t.co/HWzKh2Nssd
PHP 7 Release of Tideways #Wirtschaft https://t.co/kuXgzgu1Ci https://t.co/IcI9G1SyPj
Flowdock integration is now available #Wirtschaft https://t.co/XX4KHoAnfT https://t.co/GJwEH4M0rT
Looking for Heroku Addon testers #Wirtschaft https://t.co/VVkzoTXgEB
Improved Error and Exception Tracking #Wirtschaft https://t.co/4JpuEfxyxr https://t.co/E9NpR7945F
Launching the Tideways Company #Wirtschaft https://t.co/Sne4GNAkKL
Introducing Teams and Synchronization of Members from Github #Wirtschaft https://t.co/AUbIYUlyc3
New: Profiling PrestaShop performance #Wirtschaft https://t.co/JcfcSJdtKs https://t.co/31P8Iz96Ge
PHP Session Garbage Collection: The unknown performance bottleneck #Wirtschaft https://t.co/9qRfXMyRIi https://t.co/UZsDZWdngJ
Shopware Community Day 2016 #Wirtschaft https://t.co/ZUAe7Kp0oX
Adding CakePHP Support for CakeFest #Wirtschaft https://t.co/dKie44piBY https://t.co/88zXHoTYvn
Tideways on Tour: MeetMagento Leipzig and Shopware Hackathon #Wirtschaft https://t.co/ZEYFqfKcEj https://t.co/elpkW6APay
Developing a time-series “database” based on HdrHistogram #Wirtschaft https://t.co/e21fEWUALA https://t.co/HT9NKa4b2K
Introducing Trace Pinning #Wirtschaft https://t.co/glbjYI2bby https://t.co/tjlU6ZeKLr
How to implementing cache tagging with APC or Memcache without hurting performance #Wirtschaft… https://t.co/KCboIQIqca
Improved snapshots: Select and compare any time span, drill down #Wirtschaft https://t.co/I9NA0Z04ON https://t.co/HMD0Skj1lw
Slow Ajax requests in your Symfony application? Apply this simple fix #Wirtschaft https://t.co/3HmLRUqFF1
Migrating users to new password hashing algorithms in Symfony #Wirtschaft https://t.co/0UVue1dqq4
Heute Themenführung über den Alten Friedhof #Bonn https://t.co/4hSFZ4w0eP
What is the best value for max_execution_time in PHP? #Wirtschaft https://t.co/ongffpaov8
Seperate your slow backend from the important frontend traffic with PHP-FPM #Wirtschaft https://t.co/0sBlq6DfqC
Using HTTP client timeouts in PHP #Wirtschaft https://t.co/zUS9QVTqhw
Improved History View, Traces including Server Metrics #Wirtschaft https://t.co/6ZGio9lS0K https://t.co/SzjcZ7ApkF
Receive Weekly Report in Slack, Mattermost, Flowdock or HipChat channels #Wirtschaft https://t.co/Py9NOxJDuw https://t.co/lwNiXtB9wW
Introducing Services: Monitoring micro-services, CLI scripts and workers separately #Wirtschaft https://t.co/pikYrwJOAA
Slack, Hipchat and Flowdock notifications for new releases #Wirtschaft https://t.co/4fIXRbFgvg https://t.co/pwObN9gsnA
Improved time-range selection with the new preview-chart #Wirtschaft https://t.co/22yCfeSpLK https://t.co/gq7J3XY6up
Introducing unlimited request plans #Wirtschaft https://t.co/wMYOZg1SUV https://t.co/KJeaLaS87Q
View the code context for the stack trace of exceptions/errors #Wirtschaft https://t.co/VMWAXKKm3P https://t.co/rnrmN4VNZx
New Integrations: PagerDuty and Generic Webhook #Wirtschaft https://t.co/VLf5oheVwF
Use timeouts to prevent long-running SELECT queries from taking down your MySQL #Wirtschaft https://t.co/1buO3y5HLa
Filter traces by bottlenecks, response time, service and release events #Wirtschaft https://t.co/GQ2oWXLoAO https://t.co/NqJQNPzTk4
Profiling Laravel applications using the open-source Monica CRM as example #Wirtschaft https://t.co/7rxAqP6gkg https://t.co/4MB5oabBVm
Introducing SQL and HTTP duration trace filters and advanced query language #Wirtschaft https://t.co/mXmPigKH7v https://t.co/Q9hWTdsyYP
Improved Timeline Profiler with Stacktraces, Zoom and more #Wirtschaft https://t.co/zO6ndcX7MA https://t.co/teCEhK3j5H
How to optimize the PHP garbage collector usage to improve memory and performance? #Wirtschaft… https://t.co/0MBFCmDYsH
Improved Dashboard with Preview Chart and Recent Performance Metrics #Wirtschaft https://t.co/ug9sDQCvDI https://t.co/dgUmtTzSAc
Using php-fpm as a simple built-in async queue #Wirtschaft https://t.co/AXf91izYm6
Environments are back: Monitor and Trace Staging, QA and Dev Servers #Wirtschaft https://t.co/yRXIfYaU52 https://t.co/AnMtpg3kGJ
How does the PHP Realpath Cache work and how to configure it? #Wirtschaft https://t.co/MfsRWRqV1Y
Releasing New Tideways XHProf Extension #Wirtschaft https://t.co/wU6FFjBAbm
PHP Benelux - visit Tideways at the unconference #Wirtschaft https://t.co/aYYpdBKXPv https://t.co/f5KeuOY6q9
First-Time-Speaker-Toolkit #Wirtschaft https://t.co/IgZHmHsSS0
Sorry, this is China #Wissen https://t.co/3K1DxxqFpK
Bezahlbares Wohnen für alle #Politik https://t.co/wjorBdvVT3
Läuft! Meine persönlichen Tipps für mentale Stärke beim Laufen #Familie https://t.co/CWYm6gvGp0 https://t.co/EPezyII3an
Otarion — Under Surface #Musik https://t.co/qNQh6xyF5d https://t.co/807ajfOJmu
Lesung von Romy Fölck zu Totenweg in Köln #Food https://t.co/fnssf8Jd32 https://t.co/Gkv3kKVD6q
1918_04_21 #Wissen https://t.co/JzoHwnmKSf
Vom Schweine-System ins -Paradies? #Bonn https://t.co/vbYNEAIurt